
This page describes in detail the subscription system of Otsopack.

Subscription primitives

The subscription primitives the developer should use are the following ones:


The node subscribes to the given template returning an URI which identifies the subscription.:

public String subscribe(String spaceURI, NotificableTemplate template, INotificationListener listener) throws SpaceNotExistsException, SubscriptionException;


Unsubscribes to a subscription given its subscription URI.:

public void unsubscribe(String spaceURI, String subscriptionURI) throws SpaceNotExistsException, SubscriptionException;


Notifies a template so the subscribed nodes will be warned.:

public void notify(String spaceURI, NotificableTemplate template) throws SpaceNotExistsException,  SubscriptionException;


Bulletin boards

The nodes responsible of handling subscriptions and notifications are called bulletin boards. Other Otsopack nodes belonging to the same space, discover them through a registry and publish their subscriptions and notifications using their HTTP API.

Each bulletin board:

  • Belongs to a space.
  • Exposes a subscription API (see [Subscriptions#Subscription_HTTP_API below]).
  • Shares its subscriptions with other bulletin boards which belong to the same space.
  • Propagates the notifications to the relevant nodes using the callback url provided by them.

To manage the bulletin boards we use a ‘’IRemoteBulletinBoardsManager’‘. It can be created independently or in conjuntion with a TSC kernel.

To create it independently, we should do::

final IRemoteBulletinBoardsManager bbm = BulletinBoardsManager.createPlain(registry);

To get the ‘’IRemoteBulletinBoardsManager’’ of an already created TSC kernel, we use:


Once we have the ‘’IRemoteBulletinBoardsManager’’ object, if we want to create a bulletin board, we use::

bbm.createRemoteBulletinBoard(Description.spaceuri, PORT);

On the other hand, if we want to use a remote ‘’bulletin board’’ in the kernel, it will be transparently created the first time a subscription primitive is used for a given space.

Practical example

In the image shown below, we can see a graphic representation of the following example:

  1. N1 subscribes to BB1 with a template t1.
  2. BB1 propagates the subscription provided by N1 to BB2 and BB3
  3. N3 notifies to BB3 about t2.
  4. Since t1 matches t2, BB3 tries to notify to N1 using the callback URI provided during the subscription process.
  5. Unfortunately, the BB3 cannot notify to N1 due to unexpected network problems.
  6. BB3 propagates the notification of t2 to BB2.
  7. BB2 reaches N1, so it notifies it about t2 using the callback URI.

Check the implementation of this example here.

Subscription HTTP API

Each bulletin board exposes a RESTful API which enables the creation of subscriptions on the bulletin boards and to trigger notifications to end-nodes.

GET /subscriptions

Returns all the subscriptions.

Accepted content-types: json

Status Codes:

POST /subscriptions

subscribe( {subscriptionURI}, {template}, {callbackurl} )

Accepted content-types: json

Status Codes:

Example request:

POST /subscriptions HTTP/1.1
Content-Type: text/javascript


GET /subscriptions/(uri: subscription)

Returns the subscription.

Accepted content-types: json

Status Codes:

DELETE /subscriptions/(uri: subscription)

unsubscribe( {subscription} )

Accepted content-types: json

  • subscription (URI) –

    the URI of the subscription to be deleted (must be encoded )

Status Codes:

PUT /subscriptions/(uri: subscription)

Updates an existing subscription. This method is used to extend the expiration time for a remote subscription.

Accepted content-types: json

  • subscription (URI) –

    the URI of the subscription to be deleted (must be encoded )

Status Codes:

Example request:

PUT /subscriptions/http%3A%2F%2Fmysubscription HTTP/1.1
Content-Type: text/javascript

  "expiration": 1200,
  "callbackURL": "http://callbackuri",
  "tpl": {"object":"http://object","predicate":"http://predicate","subject":"http://subject"}

POST /notifications

notify( {template} )

Accepted content-types: json

Status Codes:

Example request:

POST /subscriptions/http%3A%2F%2Fmysubscription HTTP/1.1
Content-Type: text/javascript


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